There are lots of things that we put up with in our homes - the things that we'd like to replace one day when time/money permit. Some things are best lived with for a while until the right decision can be made. However, some things are just so brutally ugly, so poke-my-eyes-out-with-a stick ugly, that they cannot, and should not be borne. Example A, the box of light fittings in the picture above. Surely these could only be at home in a little-old-lady's house with doilies and musty smells.
Just to convey the true horror, here they are in situ.
Admittedly, the slightly phalic light globes are not helping matters.
So, where does one go when one is unsure of what to buy, but needs it quickly? Ikea of course. A quick trip on Saturday saw us return with bellies full of breakfast and three new light fittings. Two matching lights for the open kitchen and family area, and one for our Room of Requirement (another Harry Potter reference). Our Room of Requirement is at the end of our entrance hall and is a bit like a foyer (but nowhere near as grand or posh), with no real purpose at the moment except to house our piano and a few other musical instruments. If you are unfamiliar with Harry's Room of Requirement, it gives you what ever you are looking for/need at the time (I think he wins as his is much more exciting).
But I digress. A few hours later and, thanks to a husband who quite happily tackles small electrical tasks (with the power turned off of course), we now have lovely lights that wouldn't know a doily if they were draped in one.
These in the kitchen and family room...
...and this spectacular number in the Room of Requirement.
I bet Harry is just a little bit jealous now.
It's not just Harry who's jealous. They look fabulous!!! And what a clever husband you have, I wouldn't let him out on his own. Loved your blog as usual and am enjoying the blogosphere. Dx