Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day 2011

I can't think of anything more Aussie to do than spend an hour or so at Gino's watching the cars go by. Driving up and down South Terrace in the noisiest and flashiest car you can lay your hands on has long been a right-of-passage for generations of, well...let's just call them young men.

We could have sat there for hours, watching the spectacle of passersby. The highlight for me was the motorcycle rider with a blow-up doll riding pillion. And yes, I do believe her mouth was open to catch the wind. Unfortunately no photos of that as I was too busy munching on my Gino's fries to take my camera out (see how I now refer to my phone as a camera...very sad indeed.)

Today is Australia Day here in the land of Oz. Seafood barbeques, fireworks and girls walking around dressed in a bikini and a flag. There is also, of course, a healthy dose of denial about what this date really commemorates. (What could be more Australian than that?)
Wherever you are, however you choose to mark this day, have a good one friends.

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