Monday, January 10, 2011

A little bit of magic...

...Photoshop magic that is. I am such a Photoshop novice. About six months ago I downloaded a trial and played around with it for a month. It has taken me until now to buy it, and I am in equal parts rapture and despair. Adobe, do you have to make it so difficult to use? After struggling on for what seemed like days (ok - I'm over-dramatising... a few hours) I have taught myself how to use a couple of Photoshop tools - badly use them, but use them nonetheless.
Check out the photo above. I have cropped it and added a border to make it look a little bit polaroid-esque. I have removed the back of Alex's head (sorry Alex, nothing personal), the corner of the boat and the dinghy rope using some rather poor colouring-in. I then added a filter to give it a dated look, and hey presto, new photo. Lots of fun!
P.S. Below is the original.

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